How Will You Spend Arafah Day, {{contact.first_name}}?

Jun 14, 2024 10:00 am


As salam alaykum !.

How are you? How is your faith? And how are the first 10 days of Dhul-hijjah going for you?

If you are one of those blessed to be in Mecca right now preparing for Hajj, just know that this girl is positively jealous of you and wishes she could be there too 🥹 🥹 🥹. I pray Allah grants you an accepted Hajj and grants you the strength to embody beautiful patience. Ameen!

To my main gist: My dear sister asked me this morning.

I am off salat and I won’t be able to fast on Arafah day. What are the other things I can do?

I know this feeling all too well. For the past 4/5 years, my period seems to always coincide with important periods of the year such as last 10 days of Ramadan, Eid salah, Hajj days, and now the first 10 days of Dhulhijjah; so I understand the sense of 'loss' that can arise with this situation. This is particularly true if you are like me who struggles to get into a focused worship headspace when you are on your period.

I now understand not to let my cycle dampen my spirit because it's beyond my control, and Allah sees my intention to engage in acts of worship if I could. This very intention is a form of worship, and by Allah's will, I will be rewarded for it.

That being said; regardless of whether I would be able to pray or fast, I intend to observe wuquf just as if I were performing Hajj. Here are some things I hope to do on Arafah day in shaa Allah:

1. Limit my movement e.g. errands, household activities as much as I can

2. Listen to / recite the Quran

3. Engage in lots of Dhikr

4. Seek istigfar and make lots of Dua

5. Perform at least one act of charity with Allah’s aid.

, we often think grand gestures are necessary to worship Allah SWT, but I am learning that the true sweetness of faith lies in being present and consistent with seemingly ordinary deeds.




I pray Allah SWT grants us the ability to utilize these precious days in the best ways, accept all the good deeds we put forward, and forgives all our shortcomings. May He make us among those who are forgiven on the day of Arafah and grant us Jannah. AMEEN!


So, tell me how will You Spend Arafah Day ?

I would love to hear your thoughts.


With love and prayers,



Other notes:

  1. A good resource you can look forward to using as regards Dua on Arafah day is a DUA AWAY book by Yaqeen Institute. You can download it HERE
  2. I am launching season 3 of Nisabaah - The Radiant Woman Podcast soon in shaa Allah and I need your help in making it even better. Please take a moment to fill out this quick survey and share your thoughts on what topics you'd love to hear about. Your feedback is invaluable in helping me create content that truly resonates. Thank you so much for your support!
