{{contact.first_name}}, who's your guy ??

Jul 08, 2023 12:31 pm


20 Dhu'l- Hijjah 1444 AH


As salaam alaykum

I hope you have been keeping well and Eid was amazing for you. May Allah grant us the gift of witnessing many more celebrations. Ameen.

In my last email to you I mentioned I was in an emotionally and mentally overloaded space. Worry, anxiety and overwhelm were the order of my days and then Allah sent this Hadith to bring me back to consciousness:


On the authority of Abu Abbas Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:


One day I was behind the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) [riding on the same mount] and he said, “O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice]:


Be mindful of Allah and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, then ask Allah [alone]; and if you seek help, then seek help from Allah [alone]. And know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what Allah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already prescribed against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.”


It was related by at-Tirmidhi, who said it was a good and sound hadeeth.


I kid you not, I came across this Hadith over 5 times in a space of one week via different sources: my personal reading, my Hadith class with my Ustaz, my husband, two newsletters I read and some other sources I can’t remember now 😅😅. By the third time this Hadith showed up on my radar, I knew it was not happenstance and it was Allah speaking to me to focus on Him and leave everything to Him.


In my state of worry and overwhelm I was beginning to lose sight of who mattered the most and who held the key to everything! I was driving myself into a state of frenzy because I thought every decision and action that needed to be taken starts and ends with ME. I also worried I didn’t have enough help and resources to see it to fruition.


But my Lord sent this hadith to remind me that He has my back, and He will send all I need if only I ask Him and trust in Him. Subhanallah! 🥺


, when you think about your go to person, your guy guy, your one call away person, the person that will help you solve a particular problem you are facing. Who comes to mind? Is it your parent, sibling, spouse, child, or friend? Or is it your Creator? The lord of mankind, Jinns and all that exists. Allahu Akbar!


For a lot of us, when we hear or talk about our go to person or our helpers, the image that may usually pop into our mind are those of our family, friends or that acquaintance that is in that 'position' or has a high status in society. This happens particularly when we are not very conscious.

So , If someone other than Allah came to mind as your first responder, don’t be ashamed; turns out you are human after all.


Yet.... we cannot take this occurrence lightly because Allah demands that we put Him first. He takes this seriously and therefore sent prophets, messengers, and books to every generation as reminders. We must get to a point where our conscious and subconscious recognizes that Allah is Al Awwal, the First so He should come foremost in every aspect of our lives. He is also Al Akhir, the Last and everything must end with Him!


So how do you get Allah to the top of your G's List 😁?


By raising your mindfulness of Him:


  • frequently interact with His words (the Quran) and hadiths of our prophet SAW
  •  acknowledge the magnitude of who He is. He created you and nothing happens on the earth and in the heavens that he does not know!
  • reflect and remind yourself of situations where you had your back against the wall and clearly the solution you got was sent by a being beyond your comprehension.
  •  give thanks to Him every day. Truly, he is the one whom all gratitude is due.
  •  learn about his beautiful Names and glorify Him with them every day.
  •  seek his help regularly and allow Him to be your guide and helper. He is Al-Hadiy and An-Nasr; our ultimate guide and helper.
  •  be mindful to always attribute all good that happens to you to HIM and accept anything you consider ‘bad’ that happens to you is for a reason well known to Him.
  •  be in the practice of constantly make Dua; after all who will you direct your Duas to if not HIM?

By his will and permission, he will elevate your consciousness of Him in your life.


, I pray Allah makes us amongst those to whom He is closer to than their jugular veins. Ameen.



1. Speaking about learning about the beautiful names of Allah, I have just the resource for you! I recently started listening to this lovely series on the Names of Allah by Ustadh Hisham Yusuf. You can enjoy the playlist HERE

2. My dear sis Omodara of Brandable Sketches is launching a course on Personal Branding for Impact this July. If you know deep down in your chest that you are doing great work with your job or business which you aren’t amplifying enough, or you don’t know where to start, then you want to get front row seat with me.

If your personal branding concerns include fear of bragging, hesitation about sharing your business online, or not knowing what to share etc., don't worry! Just join me in class.😉

I can vouch for what OmoD is cooking up with this course so be sure you will get value for your investment bi ithnillah. Check out the Beyond Your Title course HERE. If you are very serious about joining, you get an extra N5000 off the course price by using the code NISA. Act quickly though, because the discount would only be available till Monday.

3. Stay tuned for our next Radiant Session coming up at the end of July in shaa Allah. Details will be shared soon.

On that note my dear , I pray you have a blessed weekend.

To your growth,

