What has a candle got to do with Purpose {{contact.first_name}}?

Oct 16, 2022 12:46 pm

It was around 10pm, and I was ready to shut down for the night. An hour or two earlier, I had put on a candle which threw off a mild lavender and vanilla scent that had quickly become a favourite of mine.


I took the candle lid, placed it on the candle jar to put out the candle and in less than 5secs the light was off. Immediately, my mind linked this scenario to the beautiful concept of purpose. It was indeed a fascinating exploration for me; one that followed me into the next morning.


As salaam alaykum

I hope this meets you in good health and faith. It would be an honour to share some of my insights with you today. Let’s get into it shall we? 😊


, when I put out the candle that night, my mind likened the candle to us as human beings.


  • a candle represents a person i.e., you and I and
  • a burning candle represents us when we are living with and on purpose.




A candle which isn’t burning can quite frankly be regarded as of no use. I thought about how an UNLIT candle can be seen as a mere object of decoration, for aesthetic purposes yet with the potential for so much more. 

The same is true for us as humans, when we are UNLIT (having no sense of purpose/ not having it front and center of our lives), we have the tendency to lead basic lives; running on autopilot with the risk of not unravelling and maximising the purpose for which we were created.

For me, when I think about purpose, I view it in two dimensions:

1.   Our primary purpose which is to worship Allah

2.   Our secondary purpose which speaks to the unique ways we are individually created to make our impact on this earth. The way we go about executing our secondary purpose should ideally link strongly to our primary purpose.

Like a candle which is LIT, when we know our purpose and live with purpose, we burn and shine brightly. We can live fully! We light up spaces, we can help others and things come alive. We provide comfort, and have the capability to create impact alone, and in the presence of other purpose-driven individuals. Just imagine such a world! Subhanallah!


Although a candle can be melded into different shapes, have different colours, be scented or unscented; the fact remains that it is created from one raw material, WAX and for one main purpose – to LIGHT UP.


This is true for us as human being. Allah: Al- Khaliq, Al- Musawwir has created us from one source yet has fashioned us in so many forms and blessed us with different gifting. I hope you see where this is going ? 

We are created differently but with one purpose (to worship Him) and it is from this singular purpose that every other way we show up emanates from. It is purpose that fuels us, brings clarity and direction to our lives, and drives us to be and do more!



Just as candles need oxygen to light up through the process of combustion, as human we need external factors that will support us on our journey to fulfilling our purpose.

In our case, oxygen can be likened to the tenets of our faith, the words of our creator, the sunnah of our prophet Muhammad SAW, knowledge, our family, friends, acquaintances, our habits, our environment etc. An adequate and constant relationship with the positive aspects of the afore mention factors can support us on our journey to living our purpose.

On the other hand, an unhealthy and negative relationship with these factors can subdue us and derail us from our purpose just as a forceful blow of air or a reduced supply of air can snuff the light off a candle.



In recent times, candle manufacturers have started to coat the candle wick with wax during production as it has been discovered that doing this helps candles burn evenly and increases the burn time. We are also encouraged to put out a candle by dipping the wick in the melted wax for the same reasons.

What does this mean for us?

Constantly going back to the drawing board and reminding ourselves of our purpose keeps us grounded and helps us thrive in the best way possible. It also provides a recommendation for us to follow when we get tired and need a break. The truth is, in this life and on the journey to fulfilling our purpose, WE WILL GET TIRED.

Hence, we will need regular retreat/ rest to recharge but before we retreat, it is essential for us to steep ourselves in the knowledge of why we are here, why we do the things we do and the manner we do them. This process will help us burn even brighter and in a more consistent and sustainable manner when we RE-EMERGE.

I know, I know, I tend to think and communicate in metaphors 😅 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I do hope this letter reminds you to always keep your purpose in sight. I also challenge you to live from a place of purpose in all areas of your life. It truly is a beautiful way to live!


, we have been talking about REST in the IG community this past week and on that premise, I am thinking of organising a virtual game session in the first week in November. Is this something that would interest you? Hit reply and let me know.


A new episode of the Radiant woman podcast is up. In this episode, I had an amazing conversation with Omodara Adediran on the sweetness and discomforts of growing as a Muslim. The feedback has been great and if you haven’t listened yet, I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the goodness.

Listen on ANCHOR


Listen on SPOTIFY

Lastly, it is Breast cancer awareness month, make sure to check your breasts and visit your doctor if you feel or suspect any unusual changes. Also say a prayer for ease and healing for those with the disease and other forms of cancer. You can also make a donation towards a cause.


SPA pamapering at home is running a fundraiser plant exhibition and the proceeds will be used for women currently undergoing chemotherapy in LUTH. Do check it out HERE.

You already know the drill , you are most welcome to reply to this email and share your thoughts on this letter with me.

Till you read from me again bi ithnillah


