Get my Book for Free // New Years Writing
Dec 10, 2020 7:29 pm
Hello from London,
All the memes I receive right now are about how 2020 is a complete write-off. It's been a shocker of a year, for sure, but oddly enough it's making me take stock of how lucky I've been.
On the one hand, emotionally, professionally and from a perspective of morale, it's been a real downer. But...
This year has been special. We've all had it bad. Every last one of us. I literally know of not a single person who will look back on 2020 and think, "that was a good year". The fact that everyone's having a bad time, in different ways but caused by a common global issue, makes it easier to compare how that's impacted me personally to how that's impacted everyone else.
My conclusion: I've been incredibly fortunate this year. This could have affected me in a thousand ways, all much worse than what I actually experienced. While I'm not in the best spirits, the best physical shape or the best anything at the moment, I can look all around me for examples of how much worse this could have been. How much harder it could have impacted me and the people I love.
T'is the season for reflection and thankfulness. I'm thankful that I have been spared many of the consequences of the pandemic and its various effects, professional, personal, familial and mental.
I hope you've been spared too, and that within a few months we all experience a refreshing return to normalcy.
On to free fiction...
My Book For Free
Last week I said I was building a review team. Very few people signed up. Clearly I didn't market that the way I should have.
Let me try again:
Yes. The book. The one I've been promising to release before the end of the year. The one I keep talking about. The one going on sale on Amazon on December 18th. The book that contains the first 3 Emily Voss adventures: "Past Mistakes", "Your Enemies Closer" and "In Unlikely Places".
To get my book for free, you have to sign up for an ARC, or Review Copy. You do that by clicking ont he button below. Then you download it and, hopefully, read and enjoy it.
You don't have to review it. That said, reviews would be very helpful to me and I would be grateful to the members of this list, who have chosen to sign up for my newsletter and so presumably like what I write, if they could help me out here. But there's no obligation.
So if you liked "Past Mistakes", the first instalment of the Emily Voss series, then that and the next two are available, for free, by clicking below and then at least spending a few moments thinking about whether you'd be willing to write me a review, preferably on Amazon, but alternatively on Goodreads, when I ask for them after December 18th.
Fantasy and Science Fiction Sale
Until January 26th, you have access, by clicking the image or the button below, to this broad selection of fantasy and science fiction books, many of which are discounted for the festive season.
My book in this selection is Eternal Child, a somewhat disturbing novel about a sentient book, inspired (loosely) by the legend of the Jinn. It's discounted to 99 cents for the festive season.
Book Suggestions
I've mentioned Sherif Guirguis before, and you'll find one of his pieces of work in this collection, and a whole lot more, from several other authors. This is a 10-book set at a very low price.
Take a look, research the books and authors and decide if this is for you!
Thank you for reading. I hope to hear what you think of my new book. Reply, reach out, comment on the website, whatever takes your fancy.
Take care, one and all...
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