Can you do magic on a plane?
Jul 16, 2020 1:09 am
"Can you do magic on a plane?"
That was the opening premise of a little thought experiment I had a couple of days ago.
The idea made itself comfortablein my brain like an unwelcome guest, consuming clock cycles that would have been more productively deployed elsewhere.
The best way to get rid of a thought parasite, at least in my experience, is to lean into it.
I spent a while today letting my brain work its way through the premise (What possible reason could anyone have to perform magic on a plane? How does doing magic on a plane differ from doing it on the ground? What does a person who does magic on a plane even look like?).
Then I wrote it up in short story form.
Now I'm setting it free. As far as my mind is concerned, normal service will now resume.
I hope you like it.
The offer I mentioned last week is still in full swing. 35 books, short stories and introductions, only a couple of clicks away. You can access this free bundle of books by clicking here. The promotion runs until August 7th.
I'm in the countryside, hiding from an invisible virus that's running rampant throughout the city I've chosen to call home. It's a weird moment in our lives.
Changing where you are changes the backdrop of your life. I've been reflecting on how drastic that change has been for me these past couple of months. Sometimes I'm looking at photos I took of my adopted city (before the virus, because lockdown), and sometimes of my new environment.
My current situation looks like this: