Apr 11, 2023 4:26 am


Dear Friends of Safe Tech,


We have not heard any word of progress on Senator Harckham's Utility Choice bill, S. 5632, that would allow you to hang onto your analog meter, so we need to do some more pushing THIS WEEK. Very little if anything can get done in May, so time is running out!


First, it’s important to know that S. 5632 is better than any previous attempts to regulate smart meters. However, there is still a need for protections for people in larger residential buildings, small businesses and owners of multi-family homes. For a more in-depth explanation, see

Folks, this can all be done in 15 minutes!




Here is the current priority. In order for S. 5632 to move forward, there must be a companion bill introduced in the Assembly. It would make the most sense for Deborah Glick, who is Sen. Harckham’s counterpart in the Assembly, to be the one. She covers the 66th Assembly district, which is the West Village area. Please contact her office at 518-455-4841 and email form at with the following message:


“Please submit a companion bill to S.5632, which will allow residents of NY State with electric, gas, and water accounts to refuse digital smart meters and retain analog meters. It provides the choice to keep analog meters because unlike smart meters, they are grounded, do not collect your data, do not expose you to unnecessary wireless radiation, do not overcharge for usage, and are not a fire hazard. Furthermore, analog meters are far better for the environment because they do not consume energy, as smart meters do. Please take action on this right away. New Yorkers cannot wait another year for these urgently-needed protections.”


If you are a constituent, be sure to let her office know!




Other things you might do if you haven't already is:


Email Sen. Harckam’s office at and leave a comment under the bill at Here’s the script:


“Thanks to Sen. Harckham for submitting this long-overdue smart meter regulation. Please add much-needed protections for people in larger residential buildings, small businesses and owners of multi-family homes.”


Sign our petition if you haven't already to show our numbers:


See our broad overview at This is also an excellent tool to inform others in your community and to build the base of constituents required to protect New Yorkers from the corporate agenda behind the global effort to have us all connected to their microwave-emitting smart meter grid.


Thank you for all that you do.


New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech
