This week an important claim was made against JBS was filed with the SEC. Mighty Earth, a small activist group, filed a whistleblower complaint against JBS with the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) over JBS's USD2.3 billion Sustainabilit...

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Jan 20, 2023
The Gentleman With One Red Shoe

 MZIZI Africa works with organizations to set up compliance systems rooted in ethics. Our Data Privacy Library is 1 of 16 law libraries containing easy to deploy employee Learning & Communication resources and through which we help set up Data Pr...

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Sep 05, 2022

 Organizations collect employee data for purposes of managing the relationship and to facilitate decision making.The Kenyan Data Protection Act, 2019 (DPA,19) is built around 7 principles, we will use those principles to set up a framework for review...

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Aug 24, 2022
The Data Landscape

  I got immersed a little bit in data matters this week. I found myself paying attention to two incidences which on a normal day, I would have ignored and or suffered through, as usual.  I walked into two buildings and finally paid attention to the s...

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Apr 07, 2022