This poinsettia was grown for me, so that I may reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, the Christ child rather than all the commercialism that is thrust upon us. The post Sea of Red appeared first on Mary Rodman.
My heart goes out to the families of those who lost their lives in the hurricane this week. Many lost their homes, businesses, power, and much more as a result of this horrific storm as it came up the Gulf Coast and swept through the Carolinas. The s...
As I walked to the mailbox today, I snapped a picture of the curled corn. We are much like the curled corn. When the heat of life is turned up, we tend to curl up and draw within ourselves. This too is a natural stress response, a way to protect ours...
Our new neighbors are just the sweetest and most helpful friends one could ask for. We are still getting acquainted with one another, but they are both kind and helpful,... The post Pride Check appeared first on Mary Rodman.
We all have a story to tell that impacts our families. So what hand-in-hand family stories do you want to pass along? The post Hand in Hand appeared first on Mary Rodman. gives the following definitions… Rejoice – to make joyful; gladden Reflect – to think, ponder, or meditate Celebrate – to make known publicly; proclaim It saddens my heart how... The post Reflect, Rejoice, Celebrate appeared first on M...
We were blessed to purchase a winter home in a wonderful neighborhood in Florida this year. In the evenings I love to walk, and I try to pick a different... The post Meeting the Neighbors appeared first on Mary Rodman.
The next day, the news that Jesus was on the way to Jerusalem swept through the city. A large crowd of Passover visitors took palm branches and went down the... The post Palm Branches appeared first on Mary Rodman.
My granddaughter, Reagan, helped me decorate the Christmas tree this year. She had only put a couple of ornaments on the tree when I heard a crash, which happens every year. The post Broken Ornament appeared first on Mary Rodman.
Then it happened. A bird decided to poop on my parade. Tell me this—how does one bird flying in the sky produce enough poop to cover my entire driver’s side window? The post One of the Days appeared first on Mary Rodman.