Friday espresso: ✋ "Chotto matte kudasai!" Unlocking the Power of Consultative Selling

Jul 05, 2024 1:00 am


Rise and Shine!

Let's brew our espresso for an insightful shot!

Unlocking the Power of Consultative Selling

In our eagerness to close a sale, it's easy to jump straight into pitching our products or services. But taking a moment to truly understand our customers' needs can make all the difference. As the saying goes, "Chotto matte kudasai!" or "Wait a moment." This approach is at the heart of consultative selling, and here’s why it’s so essential.

WHY Consultative Selling Matters

Consultative selling isn’t just about making a sale; it’s about building lasting relationships which then creates REPEAT sales. When we take the time to really understand our customers, we position ourselves as a partner or trusted advisors who genuinely care about their success. This deep connection fosters loyalty and trust, making our business relationships stronger and more enduring.

WHAT is Consultative Selling?

  1. Patience and Understanding: It starts with patience. Before jumping into solutions, we need to understand our customers' needs deeply.
  2. Deep Discovery: Asking the right questions helps uncover the real needs behind the apparent ones.
  3. Collaborative Approach: Working together with our customers to find the best fit for their needs minimises objections and builds trust.

HOW to Implement Consultative Selling

  • Ask More Questions: Engage in meaningful conversations to uncover deeper customer needs. The more we know, the better we can help.
  • Listen Actively: Pay attention to what your customers say—and how they say it. Their words, tone, and body language offer valuable insights. 

Focus on words such as:

  1. I need…
  2. I want to…
  3. It’s important for…
  4. My aim is…
  • Personalise Your Approach: Tailor your recommendations to meet the specific needs and circumstances of each customer. Show them they’re valued as individuals.

By embracing consultative selling, we can elevate the customer experience and boost our sales performance as well build up the trust in you and your business by truly understanding and addressing our customers' needs! 

View the original post on LinkedIn here: 

That is today's espresso.

Keep the momentum, every sip counts!

Stay caffeinated & curious!

Koo Lily

l Founder of mq Training Coaching Consulting l

Leadership Coach l Change Facilitator l Speaker l

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