[mq Training] Problem Solving & Critical Thinking on 14 & 15 March 2024 - Join Now!

Jan 30, 2024 1:00 am

Good day and warm greetings from mq Training!

Problem-Solving and effective Decision-making are essential skills in today’s rapidly evolving risk landscape. Thus, we require a systematic yet creative approach to address today’s business concerns.


Join us in this workshop, and you will experience a highly interactive and experiential learning through real-life group exercises, discussion and activities.

At the end of the day, you will be equipped with the application skills to identify problems, to generate potential solutions and how to apply decision-making styles in order to implement and assess those solutions.


Hurry! Join us now!

Registration Link



Click here, to check out our Training Calendar 2024 for other upcoming workshops!

For any enquiry or further information, please reach out to us at customerservice@mq.com.my or whatsapp at https://wa.link/8m0snn.

We look forward to having you join us in this enriching workshop.

Upgrade your skills, broaden your knowledge,

and grow professionally with us!

Best regards,

Chooi Kuan

Customer Service Manager


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