Friday espresso: Lead Change Heart Way: Navigating External Change Through Internal Transformation

Jun 14, 2024 1:00 am


Rise and Shine!

Let's brew our espresso for an insightful shot!

We know that eating a healthy diet, sleeping 8 hours a day, and exercising keep us healthy. However, how many of us are practising it daily?

Change is not easy if we are just doing it for the sake of it, we have to want the change and it has to come from within us. Hence, I’m always advocating for inside out change! However, it’s easier said than done, let’s explore further shall we? 

WHY Should We Embrace Change From Within?

The answer is simple. Change will never happen if we do not lead it from the inside. Change starts internally, we must create the willingness to make the change. It’s about aligning your thoughts and feelings and getting your mind and heart on the same page. By integrating our emotions into the change process, we become more committed and aligned. And this leads to better creativity, productivity, and less stress for ourselves and our team. Overall, this approach also reduces stress and increases the success of the change, ultimately benefiting us in the long run.

WHAT Can We DoTo Start Change From Within?

The key to making a change is to make a choice, make a decision to commit, and take action. It's about moving from just knowing to actually doing. By creating a “buy-in” for ourselves, we are “all in” when we are handling change. Here are 3 simple things we can do to align ourselves :

  • Scan for positive thoughts 
  • Rephrase internal dialogue
  • Practice gratitude

HOW Do These Steps Help Us?

Scan for positive thoughts

  • When you consistently train your brain to focus on the good stuff, one positive thought at a time, you’re essentially giving your mind a daily workout for a healthier and happier outlook on life.

Rephrase internal dialogue

  • Feeling powerless in external change is a common experience. However, there’s one way you can shift from feeling powerless to feeling empowered. It’s by shifting your internal dialogue from “I have to” to “I want to”

Practice Gratitude

  • Acknowledging daily moments with gratitude serves as a powerful method for shifting our mindsets. Studies show that our human brain is naturally inclined towards detecting threats and dangers, and therefore it leans towards noticing or dwelling on negatives. As such, practising gratitude actively shifts our mindset from negative to positive. It opens us to new ideas and effective change management.

If you would like to read further about how these steps can help you in your day to day life? Check out our latest newsletter where we go in-depth into each of the steps! 

That is today's espresso.

Keep the momentum, every sip counts!

Stay caffeinated & curious!

Koo Lily

l Founder of mq Training Coaching Consulting l

Leadership Coach l Change Facilitator l Speaker l

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