Friday espresso: Achieve Through Change

Jul 26, 2024 1:00 am


Rise and Shine!

Let's brew our espresso for an insightful shot!

Achieve Through Change

Ding Dong! Half of 2024 has passed…. Did you achieve the goals that you have set at the start of the year? So much has changed in 2024 and maybe your goals have changed too? 

WHY Change is a Constant Process

Change is not a one-time event; it's an ongoing journey that defines our personal and professional lives. In 2017, I embarked on a path of transformation by adopting a vegetarian diet, running regularly, and focusing on self-healing. These changes were significant milestones in my journey toward better health and well-being. However, transformation doesn't end with a single decision. It’s a continuous journey, a work in progress. Each day presents new opportunities to grow, evolve, and embrace change.

WHAT It Means to Embrace Continuous Change

Embracing continuous change involves recognizing that every small transformation contributes to our overall growth. In the video, I share my thoughts on why leading change is an ongoing process and how each transformation, no matter how small, contributes to our growth as a whole. Whether it's adopting a new habit, learning a new skill, or adjusting our mindset, every step forward is a step toward a better version of ourselves.

HOW to Lead Change in Your Life

  1. Adopt a Growth Mindset and Set Small, Achievable Goals: Understand that change is an ongoing journey and break down your transformation into small, manageable steps. Celebrate each achievement, no matter how small, as it contributes to your larger goal.
  2. Reflect and Adapt: Regularly reflect on your progress and be open to adapting your strategies. Continuous improvement requires flexibility and willingness to learn from every experience.
  3. Stay Committed and Build a Support System:  Persistence is key. Stay committed to your journey, knowing that each step you take brings you closer to your transformation goals. More importantly, surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages and motivates you. 

More changes are expected to come in the coming months! New KPI to hit, New Technology entering the market and also uncertainty in the markets and many more! Having the right attitude and mindset for managing these changes moving forward is crucial and most importantly a constant process.

Here’s a LIMITED TIME program to help navigate these changes personally or as an organisation! We are only opening one class this year and we have only 5 slots left, and to make things sweeter it is also HRDF Claimable!  

Join us at our 2-Day Achieve with Change program at SHRDC on the 6th and 7th of August 2024! 

Click the link here to find out more 

That is today's espresso.

Keep the momentum, every sip counts!

Stay caffeinated & curious!

Koo Lily

l Founder of mq Training Coaching Consulting l

Leadership Coach l Change Facilitator l Speaker l

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