Friday espresso: 🤔 Can people change at any moment in their life?

Aug 02, 2024 1:00 am


Rise and Shine!

Let's brew our espresso for an insightful shot!

🤔 Can people change at any moment in their life?


Change is like painting—our lives are a canvas, and each decision is a brushstroke.

Transformation is not about reaching a final state; it's about enjoying the process of becoming. Each moment of change enhances the richness and complexity of our life’s painting.

At times we make “mistakes”, but it's okay. We pick up the paint brush and continue painting. We embrace the art of mistakes! 

WHY Embrace the Art of Change

In 2017, I stood before my own canvas and decided to transform my lifestyle by adopting a vegetarian diet, running regularly, and focusing on self-healing. These choices were the first brushstrokes in my journey toward better health and well-being.

Why embrace change?

Because each change we make adds depth, dimension and colour to our lives. Like an artist continuously and boldly adjusting their strokes.

WHAT are the Elements of Transformation

What does it mean to embrace change? Imagine our lives as a painting in progress:

  • Initial Sketch: I started with small changes, adopting a vegetarian diet to cleanse my palette.
  • First Layers: Running regularly adds layers of stamina and strength, much like adding base colours to a painting.
  • Detailing: Focusing on self-healing was like adding intricate details, enhancing the overall picture.

Each change, no matter how small, is a brushstroke contributing to the evolving masterpiece of our lives. Like a painter revisiting their canvas, we continually adapt and reflect our growth and changes.

HOW to Create Your Masterpiece

How can you embrace change in your life? Let’s paint this picture together:

  1. Prepare Your Canvas: Identify areas in your life needing change. Vision what your life looks like when it is completed. 
  2. Choose Your Colours: Choose changes that will add vibrancy and balance to your life. 
  3. Experiment Your First Stroke: You will only see changes take place when you Act the Choice you make. 
  4. Add Layers and Details: Gradually make adjustments if need to, just as an artist adds layers and fine details to enrich their painting.
  5. Step Back and Reflect: Regularly assess your progress. Take a step back to view the big picture, and make adjustments as necessary, much like a painter stepping back to see their work from a new perspective.

A canvas or an art piece?

It is a choice we make from moment to moment. 

🦋 Transformation is not the end, but a beautiful journey in progress.

This article is based on the book “Lead Change Heart Way - A Regenerative Journey Travelling Inwards by Koo Lily”. 

Get your copy here at Amazon (International)

Get your copy here at Inspiration Hub (Malaysia) 

That is today's espresso.

Keep the momentum, every sip counts!

Stay caffeinated & curious!

Koo Lily

l Founder of mq Training Coaching Consulting l

Leadership Coach l Change Facilitator l Speaker l

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