It All Started With a Simple Walking Program

May 16, 2024 12:31 pm

Hey there,

I could really use your helping hand.

Picture this: three years down the line, I want to be able to say, "It all started with a simple walking program," when talking about how our program has transformed a million people's health.

So, here's the scoop: My buddy and colleague, Sam Brethauer, and I have teamed up to create something special called The 7 Dollar Walk Club. 

Our goal?

To impact the physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being of inactive folks and those who struggle to fill our fitness gaps with consistent and intentional walking (yep, count me in that category too!).

Specifically, we're shooting for 1,000 people in the Club by Labor Day!

Here's what we're asking from you:

  1. Join our Beta Test for 4 weeks this summer, kicking off Monday, June 3rd through Sunday, June 30th.
  2. Grab a buddy to join you. We'll show you how to coach and cheer each other on like champs! Hint: asking the right questions is key.
  3. Set aside time for a weekly check-in video call with Sam and me. Day and time TBD (not mandatory for participation).
  4. Agree to use our free tech.
  5. Stick to our simple but progressive 4-week Walking program.
  6. Share your honest thoughts and feedback with us.

I can promise you, this is a win-win for everyone involved!

Oh, and if you dig our idea for a Walking Club Start-up, we'd be over the moon if you could chip in a small Kickstarter-like donation. We suggest $7 because that's what our program will cost monthly until you refer three pals. But hey, we'll gladly take $77 or even $777, haha!

Just $7 would put a huge smile on our faces. But don't worry about it till we put a smile on your face though.

So, what do you say, Ready to take "a step" towards bettering your health with us and helping us reach our scary big goal?

Beta Test Group Sign-up

Looking forward to your participation, 

Tim and Sam

P.S. BTW this is about more than “steps”. Regular, progressive walking, supported by our program, can do wonders for your health. You're in the longevity HR zone when your pace hits around 70% of your max heart rate (aka Zone 2 cardio).

If this were only a prescription drug?? - tackling heart health, stroke, cancer, metabolic disease, dementia and more. Longevity expert, Dr. Peter Attia credits the magic of Zone 2 cardio on strengthening our mitochondria, the cell's powerhouses, for these incredible benefits. Learn more from Dr. Attia's book "Outlive", a highly suggested read.

P.P.S. Registration for the Beta Program begins today and lasts through Friday, May 31, 2024, so don't delay. And if you have questions hit me up. I'd love to chat.

Learn more at
