Exciting News - New Music Release for my Soul Tribe!

Nov 12, 2023 8:01 pm

Peace Family,

Thank you for being apart of my Soul Tribe of friends, family, and loved ones! I hope this email finds you well and comes with positive energy. I am absolutely thrilled to announce the release of my 10th independent project and latest music album, "The Goddess Awakens"! This project has been a labor of love, and I am so excited to share it with all of you.

Press Release

"The Goddess Awakens" is a soulful and captivating collection of affirmation poetry songs that embrace the power of self-discovery, inner strength, and the magic of the universe. Each track has been carefully crafted to uplift your spirits, inspire self-reflection, and ignite your passion for life.

I am incredibly grateful for your unwavering support and encouragement throughout my healing musical journey. Your presence in my Soul Tribe has been a constant source of inspiration, and it is with great joy that I invite you to join me in celebrating this milestone.


To download the album, simply visit my Bandcamp: goddessdorthea.bandcamp.com/album/the-goddess-awakens or play on your favorite music streaming platform like Spotify or Apple Music .

I truly hope that these melodies will resonate deeply within your soul and bring you moments of tranquility, joy, and empowerment.

Please feel free to share the news of the album release with your loved ones, friends, and anyone who may benefit from the uplifting and soulful tunes of "The Goddess Awakens". Your support in spreading the word would mean the world to me.

Thank you once again for being a part of my Soul Tribe. Your continued love and encouragement fuel my artistic journey, and I am forever grateful for your presence in my life.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Rev. Dr. Dorthea of Goddess Dorthea Music

P.S. If you would purchase a physical CD copy or T'shirt to donate to my nonprofit ministry, Modern Soulful Living please feel free to support by clicking the links!
