Hey Sizzlin' Solopreneur!

Running a business on your own is tough work.

If you're in midlife and a member of the "sandwich generation," you're juggling a heck of a lot. You're parenting, taking care of elderly loved ones, and a whole bunch of other responsibilities.

And if your business is a side hustle, you're fitting all of that in with a 9 to 5 job.

You’re a superhero! But even superheroes need a bit of self-care.

Self-care isn’t meant to be a luxury; it’s key to both your personal and business success. That's why I’ve put together a list just for you. It’s a menu of 14 self-care ideas. It's time to give yourself the same love and care you give to others.

First, click below to subscribe to my Sizzlin' Solopreneur emails and grab your free 14 Self-Care Ideas for Busy Solopreneurs! (I won't spam you but you can unsubscribe anytime.)

Then check your email inbox to confirm your subscription. Once I get your confirmation, I'll send you an email a few minutes later with the link to download your list of 14 Self-Care Ideas. Download it and save it to your phone, tablet, or desktop.

All the best,

Mary Kay

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