We are meeting in 2 Hours.

Hi ,As informed earlier, we are meeting for the Masterclass today at 7. P.M. Please settle out your everyday activities fast so that you can focus on the content while in the session.This session is going to be different from all the other trading se...

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Jul 17, 2024
Masterclass Alert

Hey ,I hope you are doing well in life.I just wanted to inform you that we have scheduled the "Mindful Trading Masterclass" at 7. P.M. in the evening.This will be an eye-opening session if you are still struggling to generate prof!t in the market.Ple...

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Jul 17, 2024

Dear ,The Masterclass will get started exactly at 7. P.M. Please make sure to be there on time. Here is the link for you to join.https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAucO6uqzwjGdQYW2PnDvFsHlLzlhmz1wlOPlease be in a distraction-free room and kee...

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Jul 17, 2024
Masterclass Alert

Hey ,I hope you are doing well in life. I just wanted to inform you that we have scheduled the "Mindful Trading Masterclass" at 7. P.M. in the evening. This will be an eye-opening session if you are still struggling to generate prof!t in the market.P...

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Jul 17, 2024
It matters a lot {{contact.first_name}}

, My mentor always says "Keep your energy strong. Because it reflects on your work"How you do one thing is how you do everything. Whatever you do in your life, reflects in your trading journey. If you are getting irritated frequently, it will impact...

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Jul 12, 2024
Bank Nifty is completely sideways.

Dear ,I just wanted to inform you of something I have noticed in the last two days. Bank Nifty is been behaving sideways for the previous two days. maximum people lose money in such a sideways market.& After this, most of the people will lose the...

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Jul 09, 2024
Join now

Hi ,Have you been able to join the telegram channel yet?Just join, if you have not yet joined. Because that is the easy way for me to connect with you instantly.Join Telegram Channel#ForYourSuccessSamir

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Jul 05, 2024
Join now

Hi ,Have you been able to join the telegram channel yet?Just join, if you have not yet joined. Because that is the easy way for me to connect with you instantly. #ForYourSuccessSamir

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Jul 05, 2024