Exciting Milestone: MindBio Therapeutics' Phase II Clinical Study Begins.

Aug 24, 2023 11:28 pm

Subject: Breaking News: World first Microdosing take home phase 2 Clinical Trial begins dosing




I hope this email finds you in good spirits. Today marks a pivotal moment for us at MindBio Therapeutics, and we're excited to share this milestone with you.

A Momentous Step Forward: First Doses Administered in Phase II Clinical Trial

We're thrilled to announce that the very first doses of MB22001 have been successfully administered to patients in our Phase II Clinical Trial. This event is a significant step in our world-first take-home microdosing trials, focusing on offering an innovative solution to patients battling depression.


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Delving Deeper into MB22001

MB22001, our proprietary form of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), is designed with patient safety and efficacy in mind, especially for at-home use. This sub-hallucinogenic microdose offers the potential to reshape how Major Depressive Disorder is approached and treated.

This Phase 2a clinical trial encompasses 20 participants, undergoing an 8-week treatment protocol with doses taken every third day at home. The trial aims to assess the feasibility, tolerability, and effectiveness of this groundbreaking treatment option. MindBio in a world first, has secured regulatory approvals in its clinical trials for self administration of LSD in the community.

Reflecting on Phase 1 Trials

Our large Phase 1 trial in 80 healthy participants laid a strong foundation for this journey. Participants exhibited an average of 24 additional minutes of total sleep time and 8 extra minutes of REM sleep following dosing days. Furthermore, they reported significant positive shifts in feelings, including heightened “wellness,” “creativity,” "energy" “happiness,” and reduced feelings of anger and irritability.

Vision for the Future

With the first doses now administered, we stand at the cusp of what could be a transformative period in mental health care. We're diligently working not only on this specific treatment but also towards the broader commercialization of microdosing treatments, always prioritizing patient safety and efficacy.

The administration of the first doses marks an important leap forward. We're deeply committed to supporting those living with depression, and every step we take brings us closer to offering an alternative and potentially more effective treatment option.

We're immensely grateful for your continued support. As we progress, you'll be among the first to know about our journey's latest developments.

Warm regards,

Justin Hanka 

Cofounder and Chief Executive

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