Our thrilling journey in the psychedelics industry.

May 09, 2023 2:24 am



Our thrilling journey in the psychedelics industry has not only strengthened our belief in the power of cause and breaking the status-quo, it has led us to ground-breaking innovation and cutting-edge research and opened the doors to a wave of investor interest.


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 More than ever, our investors are craving something beyond the traditional return on investment expected in our work. They also insist they want their investment to do good in the world.

So, being accustomed to breaking the status quo – we invested our own capital, brought in 50 Australian shareholders, (we now have over 1000 shareholders globally), and we raised millions to progress world first at home LSD-Microdosing clinical trials.  

We are starting two Phase 2 LSD-Microdosing clinical trials shortly, after a highly successful Phase 1 world-first take-home LSD-Microdosing clinical trial in 80 healthy participants.


The significance of the data we have gathered is simply astounding. Our team of brilliant scientists is preparing to publish an additional seven peer-reviewed papers in the coming year based solely on the data collected during Phase 1 clinical trials.

What we possess is a treatment intervention that has the potential to revolutionize the landscape of mental health care as we know it. There is no doubt we are on the cusp of forever altering the way we approach and treat mental health conditions.


We have just taken the company public on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE:MBIO) and if our cause resonates with you in some way, we invite you to connect with us in an effort to change the course of mental health treatments for good.


Stay well!

Justin Hanka 

Cofounder and Chief Executive
