MindBio Goes Public!

May 05, 2023 3:30 pm



Join us as we create change, for better mental health.


Psychedelic medicines present the greatest opportunity to advance mental health treatments since the introduction of anti-depressant medications. And the scientific evidence is mounting! The change we need is urgent as the effects of poor mental health in the individual reach us all. 



Click Here to see the video.

Whilst we develop the science, gather the data and the proof we need to safely introduce these novel medicines to the mainstream, it is not lost on me that we need to change more than just medications to move the dial on the collective quality of our mental health.


If only we could focus a little more time each day, connecting with and taking care of others, prioritizing our own health and respecting the environment, I wonder if incrementally we all would be much better off.


So, join us and the movement to change the future of mental health as we launch MindBio globally into the capital markets.


Stay well!

Justin Hanka 

Cofounder and Chief Executive
