New Update on Phase 2a MB22001 Microdosing Trial.

Oct 24, 2023 6:41 am


We are thrilled to update you on the recent progress of our Phase 2 LSD-Microdosing for depression clinical trial. 


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1.     Landmark Clinical Trial: For the first time ever, we've been able to send participants home with Microdoses of LSD (MB22001) under government approvals – a groundbreaking advancement in the field of psychedelic science. 

2.     Timeline: Top-line data from our Phase 2a Depression trial using MB22001 (MindBio's proprietary titratable form of LSD for microdosing) will be available for analysis from mid to late January. We hope to report to the market around late Jan/Feb. 


3.     Objective: Our primary end point in this open-label trial is to observe an improvement in the MADRS (Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale) of, which would signify a reduction in their depression levels post-intervention if the drug works as intended. 

4.     Proprietary Drug Advancement: Success in these trials means a proprietary, titratable form of LSD for Microdosing, approved for safe community use. Notably, MindBio Therapeutics remains the only company globally with approval for take-home use of LSD microdoses in clinical trials. 


Thank you for supporting our global commitment to innovative mental health solutions. Together, we're pioneering a new era for depression treatment. 


Stay well!

Justin Hanka



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