Entrepreneurs without balance

Aug 30, 2023 4:04 am


I love the pursuit of better health and optimal wellness and today I'm reaching out to you with a reflection on the journey of being an entrepreneur and the inherent challenges it presents.

For many entrepreneurs, the very concept of "balance" seems almost mythical, in fact, the mantra of some of our most revered entrepreneurs is there is absolutely no work-life balance!

The truth is, the lines between professional and personal lives often blur, leading to a unique set of challenges for entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams.

I've come to realise that while our businesses demand our time and energy, we cannot pour from an empty cup. If our body and mind – our most essential tools – aren't functioning optimally, how can we expect to lead our ventures to success? Ignoring our wellbeing is not a sustainable strategy.


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The next generation of successful entrepreneurs will not be those who burn out after a short burst of brilliance, but those who understand that sustained success requires a holistic approach.

We need to prioritise our mental health, ensure we are physically fit, and understand that regular breaks and wellness activities aren't a luxury but a necessity.

I share this not as a casual update, but as an invitation.

If we, as leaders, can show that it's not only okay but essential to care for ourselves, imagine the ripple effect it could have on our teams, our businesses, and our industries.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Let's redefine success for the next generation of entrepreneurs, starting with ourselves.

Warm regards,

Justin Hanka 

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

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