Before I was born, just after the middle of the previous century, my uncle bought a small cottage on the shore of the Sandusky Bay in Ohio. The yard sloped down to a beach where there was twenty feet of sand to the water. Our family visited him at hi...
I went in for a job interview once and I liked what I heard about the company: they had great revenue, the employees shared in the profits, and the owner was selling out to a group of employees who pooled their money to take over. Everyone was excite...
When I was eleven, my father took me to watch my cousin play in the junior varsity football game on a Saturday morning. Some of my classmates were there at the stadium and I tried to hang with them. Although I wasn’t in this particular clique, I thou...
Our carpeting needs to be replaced. It needed to be replaced shortly after it was installed because, for two months, our dog, Shaggy (may he Rest In Peace) had persistent and massive diarrhea. Every day, when I returned home from work, there would be...
I’ve noticed geese flying south for the winter. That annoys the hell out of me because the days are growing shorter. I much prefer summer to winter, or maybe I prefer the light to the dark. Whatever the case, I don’t like to be left behind like this....
My birthday was this past week and I wanted to make it a special day: I wanted to vacuum. I know what you’re thinking: the vibrating motor and the 12 amps of suction excite me. Nope. I just like to get the filth off the floor. Filth you say? Yeah. We...
The mosquitos are terrible in Michigan, unless you're a mosquito, in which case they're great