[111 Newsletter] Handling Loneliness, Great Deeds, And the Laws of Success

Jan 31, 2021 4:06 pm

1 Idea, 1 Quote, 1 Book Recommendation


I can only imagine that a lot of people are feeling quite alone or even anti-social during lockdown. I have realized my anti-social levels have increased, namely due to screen fatigue.

I keep on reminding people that the times we are living in is not normal by anyone's standards.

With this alternative normal we need to think creatively about how we can protect our mental state and well-being.

One thing we can do is reach out to friends and family members, even if it has been a long time.

Sometimes we like to get into this "insular mode" or "feeling sorry for myself mode" where we wait for others to contact us.

For various people, this maybe the preferred move, but if there is no real animosity, pride and ego is directing your decisions.

It doesn't hurt to contact a friend or family member each week to see how they are doing. It doesn't hurt to say: "Hey long time, how is everything going, especially during these crazy times?"

It doesn't hurt to set up virtual family time every 1-4 weeks. The point here is that loneliness can be an opportunity to connect again and rebuild distant relationships.

We all need support, but we also have more power than we think. Never forget that.


β€œIf you can't do great things, do small things in a great way.”

~ Napoleon Hill


The Teachings of Napoleon Hill: The Law of Success, The Lost Prosperity Secrets of Napoleon Hill, The Magic Ladder to Success - Napoleon Hill

Only listen to this book if you are dedicated to understanding a level of self-mastery that has never been explained to you before. It is 35 hours long!

Napoleon Hill has influenced the personal development world in so many ways. But many people only attribute him to his book Think and Grow Rich.

This book however, really explains the mindset requirements and challenges needed to attain any goal.

It is artful and romantic in its rhetoric, but clear and precise with its explanations.

I am very grateful that I was exposed to this book, because it contains knowledge that a lot of people would miss due to the length of the book, but very much-needed during the 21st century.

The Audible version is here

If you don’t have Audible sign up for your 30-day free trial here


If you enjoyed this, then share this with others using your personal referral link below. Check out this week's latest YouTube video on Productive Things To Do In Quarantine... For Millennials (8 KEY STEPS)

Have a great day and great week!

Your Mindset Mentor, Michael Tabirade

Author of The Power of Goals

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