Well that was a bust...

Jun 17, 2024 6:55 pm

So I sat down at my computer last week to send an email and struggled a bit. I had the bright idea to put into your hands a collection of the resources I have for brides. I was in wedding brain, I was thinking of my wedding clients - it made sense in the moment. So I hacked out a quick email with those clients in mind and launched...


not everyone on this list is a wedding client. OOPS!

So I got a lot of confused reactions about why boudoir clients were getting wedding resources. The short answer is: I got ahead of myself...but we move on.

So this week, I'm going to share with you some insider information, and ask for your opinions. Here are a few things I'm working on, or ways to learn more about what I'm up to:

  • Blog. For a while I was posting daily, but I've fallen out of the habit (admittedly, some of them are pretty dry). For the MDK stuff, the blog is HERE, for the mIsFiTs, it's HERE. Does anyone read blogs anymore?

  • Social Media. MDK here & here; mIsFiTs here & here. I post regularly, but most of them are ignored. I know a lot of small businesses say this, but it honestly would mean so much to me if you'd acknowledge the posts when you see them, and even more if you'd give them a quick share.

  • Podcasting. This is still in "idea" more than "launch" phase, but I'll take input. What would make you want to listen to it? Would a YouTube/video version be better? (one of my ideas would be watching my editing process and I could tell stories about the images)

  • Mini-Courses. This is another new one I'm considering. I've got ideas of some topics I could share, based on my 20+ years in the industry. Some of them are directed at photographers, but I've also got some ideas for clients - like how to choose wardrobes, or general wedding planning tips. What information would you be interested in learning?

  • Referral Program. This idea crossed my path today. It would be a way to reward clients who bring in other clients, and possibly to create a reward for even sharing about me. Would this encourage you to mention me to your friends/family?

So anyway...

That's my to-do list for the summer as I'm continually trying to build a client base. I'll keep you posted as I grow through some of these. If you have any input, I'm happy to take it.

Stay warm this week - I've heard reports it's gonna be nasty! We'll talk more soon...


