Book News! Audio and Flash Sale!

Aug 12, 2021 5:24 am

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FRIENDS it's been a minute.

I've been hard at work on my next book and general life shenanigan,

but in the meantime,

I have bookish news to share!

1) Ridorkulous is FREE FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME so if you haven't picked up yet, now is the time--price is going up in about a week so get it while it's hot and freeeeeeeeee!


Click Here!

B) Time of My Life is coming soon to audio! It's going through the process of distribution, so I don't have buy links YET--but in the meantime,

I do have 30 Authors Direct Giveaway Codes to pass out!

if you would like an Authors Direct code to listen, just reply to this email :)

3) My colleague and friend and all around amazing person Paige Tyler has a brand spankin' new series and it looks wonderful!!! Check it out book one in the series below for a fun opposites attract romance that will hit you in all the feels <3


Click Here for First Book in Series!

D) I debated sharing this on here because it's sort of embarrassing, but if you're on TikTok--come follow me! I will follow you back because I'm not trying to look cool or anything (as you will see from all my super ridiculous and not-funny videos :D).

I hope you are all having a lovely week! Stay safe and healthy out there.


