Keeping warm with words
Jan 27, 2022 1:06 pm
Hey awesome,
We have a little bit of winter here, and while it's not below zero and snowing, it's chilly enough that I most often have a blanket and a warm laptop to keep my company. Olive remains not a winter dog, and demands her own blanket.
The cold is keeping me consistent with my writing, which has made for a nice streak. In a blog a while back, I mentioned trying to move beyond finding the One! Perfect! Trick! to getting and staying productive, because there’s really only what works for the present moment.
Expecting a method to work forever might be possible for some people, but definitely not for me and my brain. So with that said, I have found something that’s working for me at the moment.
Each morning I get up, and before I make my coffee, I write 500 words. I stay quite focused on those 500 words, because there is one thing I can count on motivation for: caffeine. Then, after I have coffee (sweet, sweet liquid energy), I write 500 more words. Whatever comes of the day from there, I have 1000 words done. Even better, knowing I have 1000 words done kicks off a measure of momentum, and then I want to write more, because I’m feeling accomplished rather than guilty about not having started.
Tricking your own brain: good times.
Speaking of good times, guess what's out tomorrow? THIS:
That's right. Hit World's first anthology is out in the world starting Friday, January 28th, and there are all kinds of murderer-for-hire, interdimensional-weirdo, urban fantasy shenanigans to be had.
Also in there you'll meet Dahlia, who will be popping up in the Valkyries spin off coming up later this year. Here's her introduction:
"Dahlia Zunnes drank her coffee and decided not to murder the man standing across from her.
She had made the decision a handful of times during this particular conversation, which was a better average than most of her encounters with Abraham. Unfortunately, she was on the last of her coffee, and he was still talking."
I had a lot of fun writing Dahlia - I hope you check out her adventure and take some time to read the fabulous additions to the Hit World universe. I hear more than a few of these folks will show up again sometime soon.
You'll be able to pick the book up Friday, and if you don't want to search, you can click through to the offical CKP page to get the link when it's time.
In the meantime, I'm making progress in a particular Fallen World, and just might have news on a new anthology in that universe soon too. Good times indeed, even in the cold.
Hope you're keeping warm and safe!
Til next time,