Work in progress
Jul 29, 2021 6:57 pm
Hey awesome,
Do you know I'm a complete baby about heat? Despite living in the depths of tropical-humidity-south and flatlands-baking-at-three-digits-south for over eighteen years, I'm still a New England girl at heart when it comes to weather.
Not that I love endless winter...Anyway, what I'm saying is - it's real hot out there, I'm basically a melting popsicle, and thank goodness for AC and shady trees and the amount of writing deadlines that gives me an excuse to be inside.
My husband built me an awesome little office in the camper, so I can hunker down, still see the prettiness outside, and get some work done.
The decoration is a work in progress (setting up for a mobile office that regularly encounters potholes is a different sort of challenge), but here's a sneak peak:
Two little windows, a nice, view, and oh yeah, those deadlines?
One more short story passed in so far this week, one more wrapping up for the end of the week, and then:
Ally, with the wonderful, talented, and downright awesome Kacey Ezell. We've got a solid outline, some really fun viewpoint characters, and a heck of a story to tell. I can't wait to share it with you!
Salt in the Wound, all by myself. This is a full length novel spinning off both of my short stories in Christopher Woods' endlessly fun Fallen World universe. "Salt" from the anthology From the Ashes, takes place on a post-apocalyptic Martha's Vineyard, and my second story expands slightly to another island or two. In the novel, folks need to go a little further afield, some against their better judgement.
And speaking of Chris Woods - there may be some special guests in this book, visiting from the main land - ahem, main line story. I'm so looking forward to mucking things up in this universe and getting to share it with you.
There are even more exciting projects (and deadlines!) looming after these, but between me and them is one giant, sparkling, fantastical party: DragonCon!
We're off to spend a few weeks in the mountains and sprawling forests of northern Georgia, and will emerge for Labor Day and the Nerd New Year party that takes over a corner of Atlanta.
Whew, I miss DragonCon shenanigans. They won't be quite the same this year for a host of reasons, but any excuse to meet up with my Con family, nerd out about awesome stuff, and pretend I'm not an old lady with an early bedtime, is worth it.
Will I see you there? If not, I promise to share plenty of ridiculous stories. I mean, that's kind of my whole deal these days, right? ;)
Stay cool and safe out there, awesome folks.
Til next time,