New reveals and free reads
May 05, 2022 12:56 pm
Hey awesome,
How goes May? After a rough April, I'm settling into what's hopefully a smoother ride for at least a few weeks.
That's always the goal, anyway. In the meantime, we're getting closer to the first Hit World: Valkyries anthology, so it's time to start the reveals.
You are the first to see this - the official logo of Hit World: Valkyries!
What do you think? Lee Dunning, who also designed my fantastic logo, created this (and a few other surprises still in store), and I'm not going to lie to you - I'm obsessed.
Starting next week, on the brand new CKP Youtube channel, you'll be able to catch interviews with the anthology authors. We'll have one a week in video form, and one a week in print form. I can't wait to introduce you to the authors and their Valkyries. We are going to have (and already are having!) a lot of fun.
I'll share the link here next time, or you can get a jumpstart and subscribe to the brand new CKP Youtube channel - then Youtube will tell you when we upload that first interview.
You'll be among the first subscribers too, because the channel officially goes live with our first Valkyrie author interview, the incomparable Rob Howell, next week! Inside CKP is going to have a whole smorgasbord of author/editor/contributor shenanigans, and it's going to be awesome! Just think of your bragging rights, getting in early.
And for those of you who need some good reading right now (and who doesn't?) - there's a whole new month's worth of promos and awesomeness below. Check them out and let me know your faves - I can never have too much reading material. Right? That's what I tell myself, anyway...
Til next time,