March edits bring May flowers? 🌻

Mar 09, 2023 1:11 pm

Hey awesome,

How's your March going? Mine has been...adventurous, and not in a fun "I live in an RV and have adventures!" sort of way. More in a "may you live in interesting times" way.


Because the times, they have been interesting. Unexpected repairs, scheduling snafus, competing priorities - you know, the stuff that keeps you on your toes, no matter how uncomfortable being permanently on your toes might be.

With the snarled edges slightly trimmed (hm, a reminder I really need a hair cut...), I'm looking forward to some genuinely fun times coming up.

Are you anywhere near the Durham, NC area? Because I will be in just a few weeks - I'm a guest at Fantasci (March 24-26), and have an awesome set of panels/events.


4:00: Noir in SF and Fantasy (M)

5:00: Discussion on the Coolness of Dragons

8:00: NSFW Romance (M)

9:00: Jolene's Dating Game


11:00-1:00: CKP Year Ahead

2:00-4:00: Baen Roadshow

6:00-8:00: Phoenix Feast

9:00: Karaoke


11:00 Authors and Their Pets

Good times abound - because that's just the panels I'm on, never mind the assorted other shenanigans sure to happen around the con. Let me know if you'll be around - it would be great to chat!

Other fun and focused times include edit-palooza. I'm currently testing a new schedule - edit in the morning, client work midday, writing evenings. It's far from a perfect system (especially when I - ahem - run off to play hooky and go to the beach for a day here and there), but it's getting progress all around, so not a bad win for spring.


What are you up to in this end-of-winter-almost-spring time?

If your answer includes reading, well, I always have ideas! I'm about to start book 7 of the Vorkosigan Saga and I have to say the first six have been dangerous to my sleep schedule. Thankfully I had a few work flights, each of which was good to finish a book and start the next. I can't believe Cordelia, Miles, and all the intricacies of Barrayaran politics were missing from my life for so long. If you've already long known the amazingness of Lois McMaster Bujold and are looking for a new read, may I suggest...


"Shadows Before Sunrise" is a short story prequel to Melissa Olthoff's fabulous Salvage Title universe novel, Sunrise over Shippo. Book two is coming out this very month (March 31), so you have time to get to know Kailey and find out what the whole Salvage Bunny situation is all about!

And then of course we have free reads to add to your collection!




And now I'm back to editing - gotta get real productive ahead of my entire afternoon of fossil hunting coming up next should probably brace yourself for pictures.


Til next time,

