What about third spring?

Apr 07, 2022 12:56 pm

Hey awesome,

We are officially settled into our summer spot and it is not at all warm here. As in, it's frozen the last few nights, which is a hard shift after balmy 70 degree days in Louisiana and gorgeous weather on our trip.


Ok, for real I'm not too upset - it means I get to wear my long johns a little longer and, more importantly, we get a third spring this year. We started with one in Louisiana, had another one in the Carolinas (the sunsets, as you can see, were amazing and the weather mild enough to sit outside and enjoy them), and now get to wait out this third one in New England. I really love spring, so I'm going to consider it a win.

Even if we're slogging through a whole lot of chilly mud to get there.


How's spring for you? Any fun adventures as you enjoy the weather (or that are helping you ignore it)?

My big one recently was the amazing time I had at Fantasci. If you're curious how much fun, you can read my after action or settle in for shenanigans and watch Kacey and I talk about it on her channel.

Next up is Liberty Con in Chattanooga this June - I am so pumped I can barely wait. Will I see you there?

Between now and then I have a few projects to finish up, and at least one that will be out in the world!


One that's in progress you've heard me talk about before, and it's exciting. Hit World: Valkyries is nearing completion, and as such it's time for you to learn more about the authors and their leading ladies. The fabulous Rob Howell (one of the amazing Valkyrie authors, head honcho of New Mythology, all around delight) does incredibly fun short interviews for his blog (you can see one here, coincidentally of another Valkyrie author, the inimitable Mel Todd). He's let me steal his idea, and that's where you come in.

What fun questions do you want the Valkyries authors to answer? Is it their favorite Monty Python quote? All-time favorite over-the-top action scene? Favorite flavor of frozen yogurt? Let me know and maybe I'll add it to the interviews. Then stay tuned, and you'll get to know the ladies (and two gentlemen) who are part of launching this new spinoff!

In even-sooner exciting news, Among the Embers is out April 15! That's really, really soon. A new Fallen World anthology, chock full of post-apocalyptic urban fantasy amazingness, coming your way:


The Chris-es tell amazing stories, and have put together such a terrific anthology. Yes, I'm biased, but come on, the Fallen World is always a good time. For readers, anyway, not so much the characters...

In my short, "Balance," a young man has to reckon with his growing abilities...and his first murder. I can't wait to hear what you think!

If you want to make sure not to miss a new release, you can follow me over on BookBub. Have you signed up for BookBub's promos? I probably average at least a new book a week that I pick up from their emails, always for $1.99 or less. They are single-handedly responsible for my TBR list growing out of control. Definitely BookBub's fault, and not mine at all.


Ahem. On that note, I should get back to writing, and staring at the trees willing them to bud. Have a lovely week!

Til next time,

