Great reading all around (with a better link)
Apr 22, 2022 1:28 pm
(Hey awesome - Apologies for this double send. Remember how I said I was in super brain fog mode? ....yeah, so, Among the Embers had a bad link, corrected here and below. Bright side: fog is clearing, so I shouldn't be doing this to you again very often.)
I hope your spring is going more smoothly than mine! We got pretty sick over the last few days, so my brain is still in super fog mode...and so is the weather. Ugh. I'm excited for better health and sunny days - I'm sure those are coming right ahead.
In the meantime, I'm using these gloomy sick days to catch up on some reading. Thank goodness for good stories. If you're on the lookout for some, well, hey - guess what I have?
That's right! In the new release category we have Among the Embers. Have you experienced the Fallen World yet? This is a great place to get introduced, or continue digging into the post-apocalyptic science fantasy shenanigans of this incredibly fun universe. To be clear, I absolutely mean fun for the reader. It's...less so for the characters.
It's been hanging out in the top 3 new releases, and here's what the back cover has to say:
The world has Fallen, but life goes on…
In the late 2020’s and early 30’s corporations managed to render the major governments of the world obsolete. The big corporations owned most of the territories as well as the majority of the world’s wealth. While many of the old traditions were still observed in various parts of the world, the true power was with the corporations.
In the late 30’s, what would be known as the Corporate Wars began as larger companies initiated hostile takeovers in a whole new fashion. Employees, armed with corporate weapons, warred for dominance. It was a bloody time, and many small corporations were destroyed, as were a lot of civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time… as well as those who’d been buying the wrong products.
On May 1st, 2067, it all ended in nuclear fire.
Fifteen outstanding authors have come to this Fallen World with stories that take place from the islands off the coast of Massachusetts to the California coast; from the swamps of Louisiana to the mountains of Colorado. These stories not only show you the Fall… but introduce you to some of the people who might just drag civilization back from the embers…
"Balance" is my story in this collection, and it tells the tale of the one of the genetically modified survivors of Martha's Vineyard. A coming of age story that involves murder, mayhem, and general mishaps. As you do. This is another look at my corner of the the Fallen World, first showing in "Salt" - which, coincidentally, is the free story you get with this mailing list (find it in the promotions below, or right here). Red + the other Vineyarders are going to make another appearance soon, so I'd love to hear what you think of them so far.
If you need more reading (and isn't that answer always yes?), check out these great opportunities for new, free reads - and tell me about your favorites!
There is so much great storytelling out there! And more to come - keep an eye out for some Valkyries reveals in the near future.
Til next time,