Welcome to the Initiative

Jun 28, 2023 1:30 am


From Bryn Siegmund:

Welcome to the Valkyries. Your current assignment is fact-finding - unlike Cynthia F-ing Witherbot, I'm not going to throw you to the wolves without some time to get your feet under you.


Anyway. If you haven't already, you can click here to claim your copy of Sound of Wings and meet Dahlia Zunnes. It might be helpful for the future.

From the authors:

So great to meet you at Liberty Con, and thank you for joining the Valkyries list! Once a month we'll send you a behind the scenes update and a little bit of Bryn's snark as we lead up to the launch of the Valkyries Initiative. Write back to us any time with questions, comments, suggestions, or snark of your own.

And let us know what you think of Dahlia!

Memorandum for Record (After Sound of Wings):

Asset is sciencey doctor lady and also terrifying death monster, good combo for team. Always knows the right places for a late night snack. Pretty sure if she's not on our side she'll be set to hunt us. Don't want to be a late night snack.

