Expectations and reality

May 06, 2021 6:31 pm

Hi awesome,

I recently had a reality vs. expectation moment that made me laugh until I snorted. I thought I'd ordered an assortment of rocks/minerals/fossils/shark teeth that were going to arrive in a fun package and give me much treasure-hoardy enjoyment. I received...a bag of dirt. The treasures were in the dirt, to be sure, but I somehow missed the actual description of what I was getting, which was - again, to be clear - a bag of dirt.


Have you seen those expectation vs. reality comparisons popping around? I very much enjoy the writer ones - what the idea is in your head vs. what happens when you first get it out, your story idea vs. your first draft, etc. This one is definitely one of my favorites:


It's like a visual reminder of one of the best pieces of writing advice I've ever read: let the first draft be the first draft. It's not meant to be the gorgeous final version, its purpose is to exist so you have something to work on and improve.

It's your bag of dirt.

It'll take some effort, digging, double-checking, a whole lot of patience...and then you'll have something closer to your expectation.


I have to remind myself of this metaphor over and over so that I one) remember it, two) leave myself room before deadlines to apply it, and three) begin to believe it.

A lot of my effort when writing goes to shushing the voice in my head that criticizes each word I get onto the page. This week, I've taken to reminding it "BAG OF DIRT!" and then laughing at myself. So far so good.

Do you have that voice in your head? Any tips to shushing it? I freely offer my bag of dirt, if that helps.


Until next time,

