Springtime fun
May 19, 2022 11:31 am
Hey awesome,
Happy May! Are you finally getting spring weather, or is it already summertime for you? It started to get nice here, so of course we went further north...but it all worked out, weather-wise, and we ended up with gorgeous spring weather in Maine, too.
We went to Bar Harbor, and since it was technically pre-high season, it wasn't crowded, we didn't have to pay for parking, and we were able to very easily go up Cadillac Mountain and watch the sunrise without a crowd.
(Ok, I say very easily, but it did require waking up at 3:45 am on purpose. So a little 'oof' there.)
Everything was beautiful, and there were a couple of mornings I sat on the screened in porch, listened to the woods, and wrote.
It was an ideal writing set up, though to be fair mostly I ran around the woods and shoreline and gaped at the beauty (and ate allll the food), so I can't pretend I was the most productive.
Look at it, though! Can you blame me? I did write 2000 words in the car on the drive home, so that's a plus.
Speaking of pluses - I am getting real close to submitting the completed Valkyries anthology to our fantastic publisher, so as we get approach Valkyries being live and in the world, how about another interview with one of the authors?
It is physically impossible for me NOT to have fun chatting with Kacey, and I hope you enjoy our shenanigans as well. Check it out to learn more about Kacey's awesomeness, her Valkyrie, and what you can expect ahead. If you missed it, Rob Howell was the first victim - er, volunteer, and had a special guest (spoiler, it's an adorable cat). The first written interview is up on my blog (also spoiler: it was me!).
If you subscribe to the CKP youtube page, you'll get notified for all the Valkyries goodness to come - and there'll be a whole lot more CKP awesomeness as well!
As for other future things...we got a sneak peek at the Chicks in Tank Tops cover this week:
AAAAAAAA, I love it. My story, Next Question, along with amazing stories from some legends, will be in this. An anthology of awesome ladies and their trusty tanks, coming from Baen in January 2023.
In the meantime, I should get back to work. I have two more short stories due in the next four weeks, aaaand there are those novels...
But that's me. Maybe you want some great reading? For free? Say no more, friends:
I'd love to hear your favorites - what have you read lately that I should put on my list post-deadlines??
Til next time,