Turn it in time ✍️

Feb 09, 2023 1:06 pm

Hey awesome,

How's your February going? I'm keeping up my 'spending time with awesome people' theme for 2023 and on my way to Superstars Writing Seminar in Colorado Springs for a few days of both intensive learning and shenanigans with authors, editors, and publishers. I went for the first time last year, and was floored by how welcoming and delightful everyone was – from multiple big-time bestsellers to folks figuring out their first stories – and I'm so excited to head back. If you're an author, or considering getting into it, I highly recommend checking it out someday – keep in mind they have a range of scholarships too, because again: welcoming.


I might not get a lot of writing done this week, but I will be doing more than a little plotting and brainstorming with fellow authors – there are several Valkyries authors attending, as well as the mastermind behind the Car Wars project (have you ever played Steve Jackson's Car Wars? Or watched Mad Max? We're gonna have some fun), so we're bound to get some story madness accomplished.

Also, I'm ok taking a slight word break because, I'm thrilled to share – I finished two projects over the last week!! Ok, ok, to be fair neither are alllll the way done, but big steps all the same.

I turned in my novel to Baen (a week and a day ahead of the deadline!), so while there will be edits to come, that's pretty exciting. Exciting enough that I should probably tell you the title – Beyond Enemies, slated for an early 2024 release. I am a little overwhelmingly excited to share Talinn and Bee with you!


Aaaaaand, I finished up the last chapters for my two POV characters for The Spider. Bill and I will probably have a few tweaks before it's all sewn up, but that should be soon, and I can't WAIT for you to see some of what our Valkyries are going to be up against. WHEEEEEE


I'm celebrating by digging in on my TBR pile. I just finished Tim Powers' The Stress of Her Regard (Byron, Shelley, vampires - amaaazing secret history stuff), and am fiiiiinally starting the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold - I've already torn through The Warrior's Apprentice and will start Shards of Honor on the plane. Have you read it? What are your favorite things (but no spoilers please, I have a loooong way to go)?? I probably won't get to finish the whole saga before big writing days return, but February is basically made for curling up with a good book or eighteen, don't you think?

If you're looking for an awesome February, how about:


On a Cloudy Day is book 3 of the Phoenix Initiative, and ties up a ton of storylines in the Four Horsemen Universe. Kevin and Jason have been playing in the sandbox since the early days, and this is a love letter to fans - both those who have been around as long as them, and the new ones checking things out. Also, it's got a direct sequel coming out in just a few weeks, so you don't even have to wait for more awesomeness!

From the back cover:

Sometimes all you need is a little Sunshine… and a really big gun.

Captain Sunshine Luo, last surviving member of the Kakata Korps, has overcome much in her young life. Once a slave, later a mercenary and company owner, she has become the epitome of the word “survivor.” Now she needs to be something more.

Bonds forged in the heat of battle have strengthened her and the ones she loves, though the losses along the way have left scars upon her young and weary soul. With the help of her friends, she could save the unborn children of a nearly extinct people. While pursuing an alien who would steal the future of the species, Sunshine stumbles upon a damning truth which would expose the biggest secret in the known universe. In order to take it all down, she’s going to need some help from Earth’s first Peacemaker, Jessica Francis.

Alongside Jessica and her friends, and some new and unlikely allies, Sunshine prepares to take the fight somewhere no one ever dreamed, to bring what’s hidden into the light. What is the cost of truth… and who will pay the ultimate price for it?

February is a short month, but for me it seems outsizedly long sometimes. So if you need even more fabulous reads, check out these free options:



That's all for me - I'm going to go take a million notes, learn a ton, and laugh until I ache. I hope there's joy and new things ahead for you too!

Til next time,

