Spring Fling!

May 20, 2022 1:36 pm

I know technically spring has been around for a month, but it finally FEELS like it here in the northeast. Unfortunately, that also means instead of a layer of snow we're layered in pollen. Ugh. Itchy eyes, anyone?

Still, I love spring and all the new life blossoming around me. Friends having babies, flowers blooming, and robins building nests for their little eggs.

And more good news... the cover reveal for my upcoming release, One Unexpected Gift (isn't the cover pretty!?), and a fantabulous Romance Book Fair. You'll find dozens and dozens of amazing books (FREE in KU!).

It's the perfect trifecta: spring, new life, and new books. One Unexpected Gift releases on June 22nd. You can preorder now!


Happy spring, my lovely reader friends.

~Marianne xoxo
