Have you ever been to a book signing?

Jul 24, 2024 11:51 am

I love reverse-fan-girling at signings. When a reader tells me they've read my books and they love them, well, let me tell you. All. The. Feels. It makes me SOOO stinkin' happy!!

Speaking of, I'll be at the massive signing, RomantiConn, on Saturday, July 27th at the Marriott in Trumbull, CT. If you're in the area, I hope you stop by and check out the 100+ authors, narrators, cover models, and vendors. It's going to be so much fun.

I'm packing up my books this week and am bringing limited quantities (not all my titles). If you haven't already filled out a preorder form but want to make sure I have a certain book for you, please email me today. If I have it available, I'll put it on hold for you.

In other news, my next holiday romance is in my editor's hands. I'm sharing the cover with you all first! Tell me, how cute is it? You can preorder Tidings of Joy now.


Have a lovely summer, reader friends.


