Fall Weather Vibes

Oct 31, 2021 1:21 am

Ahhh!!! The last weekend of October is giving me all the feels. We've made our first fire (we heat the downstairs with our woodstove), many golden and red leaves are still hanging on to the trees, there's a nip in the air, apple squares are baking in the oven, and I'm getting ready to write a new book.

If I wasn't ready for holiday romances before, I sure the heck am now. And by the sound of the reviews coming in for Snowflakes & Stockings, it sounds like many of you are ready for cuddles on the couch with a warm blanket, a hot cup of cocoa, and a special someone (Significant other or book. You choose!).

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the wonderful reviews you've left. It may be cold outside, but my heart is warm. And if you haven't snagged your copy yet, here's the link!

This is the first book I have read in the series and I now NEED to go back and read the others!

Snowflakes and Stockings is one of the most amazing books that I have read this year. Full of family, unexpected love, and even a secret Santa. Ms. Rice gives us great word building, a lovely plot, and great characters

This was truly a book that felt like it wrapped me in a warm blanket, with a cup of coffee on a cold, winter day. I felt at peace reading this and devoured the book in just a couple hours. I loved the characters and the safety of family that it gave me. Not only were the two main characters, Sawyer and Liberty, the supporting characters were all loving as well.


Stay warm and well-read, my friends!

Marianne xoxoxox
