Mama Bears Newsletter - January 14th, 2024
Jan 14, 2024 10:00 am
Mama and Papa Bears,
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and were able to connect and create special memories with your families.
2023 saw us expand from a group sharing information about the danger of the Covid Shot, to an all around resource centre for parents and Pregnant & Breastfeeding mothers. We are proud to say the resources on our website have drawn international attention...
We have been contacted by a network in Turkey that has contracted a studio here in Canada to produce a documentary about the indoctrination of our children in the schools around SOGI 123. We are assisting to connect them with possible participants. If you know of any child that has been subjected to hormone treatments or gender surgery, we would love to hear from their parents. The struggle and challenges of these interventions need to be exposed. Complete anonymity is guaranteed if that is required. If you know of anyone, please have them reach out to Terri at:
Know Your Rights
Many parents are not aware that their children do not need to be vaccinated to attend either school or day care. In an effort to make life easier for parents, we have put exemption forms on our website. You can access them at:
Essential Resources
As our children continue to be under attack in the public school system, we would like to share two wonderful resources available to assist parents in moving their children to an alternative method of education. Read on for these valuable resources!
New Earth Network
New Earth Network is an excellent resource for those looking to join or create a learning pod. They provide a Learning Pod Leader’s Training course answering all the questions you may have about how to start a pod. This course is available on a donation basis, and includes videos and a PDF workbook broken down into easy-to-follow modules. You can access the course by clicking the following link:
What is Unschooling?
On Jan 10th, Tasha launched The 'Unschooling the Mind Community’. It is a private, uncensored, international online community (including an app) of likeminded parents who refuse to co-parent with Globalists.
It is a platform that will transform your life by unhooking from the system and questioning all of the misguided beliefs and programming that stands in the way of true and authentic connection with your child. Its core values are based on the Unschooling philosophy that believes that children are not just empty vessels of which need to be filled with knowledge by other adults. Rather its stance confirms that children can lead their own learning naturally by discovering their passions and interests with less interference but more presence from a loving parent.
The core of this lifestyle is Freedom, Joy and to develop an authentic connection with our child. Moving away from the old “authoritarian rule” and into a “peaceful partnership” that cultivates a deep respect and trust for their process.
The UTMC comprises weekly live group coaching and replays for your convenience along with a monthly Masterclass from experts who have something to share that will give us the tools to navigate and thrive outside of the system.
Examples of Topics include:
• What is Unschooling?
• How to advocate with ease and confidence
• How to protect your child in the years to come
• How to start your own learning centre
• How to approach topics such as sexuality and pornography
• How to maintain resiliency & compassion
Whether you are just contemplating pulling your kids out of the system, or you have been homeschooling for years and are interested in the freedom that Unschooling offers, this community is built like a buffet where you can pick and choose as little or as much as you need depending on where you are on Your journey.
You can access the community by clicking
or through Tasha's website at
Perhaps it is time to change our perspectives on what "successful" parenting looks like. Creating safe spaces for our children that allows them to build unbreakable confidence is invaluable. These past 4 years have made it exceedingly clear that this blind-obedience to authority learned from a young age through the school system has been hugely detrimental. Let's start from scratch and learn new ways to do parenting.
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And remember, It's Okay To Wait 💕