Mama Bears Project - Happy Easter and Essential Information

Mar 30, 2024 2:59 pm


Hello Mama and Papa Bears,

We hope you are all enjoying a wonderful Easter weekend with your family so far.

As we transition into a new season filled with the renewal and regrowth of spring, it seems fitting to reflect on the true essence of the Easter holiday - the resurrection, and what Jesus came to accomplish through his life on earth.

Everything he did went against the norms of society - calling out the merchants in the temple establishments who would exploit the poor, and was the first to try conveying how, “an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind”.

Whatever we choose to believe, there is much to take away from his exemplary life and the sacrifice made for humanity, as he spent his life befriending the outcasts of society, upholding the pure of heart, and condemning the corrupt.

So with that, we wish all you freedom fighters a very happy Easter.



Help us Expand our Reach

We want to thank you for helping to spread the word of our organization! We continue to see our numbers grow on social media, and most importantly, the messages of impact of our content has continued to increase as well. 

It is very rewarding to know that because of our work, children are being protected not only from vaccines, but all of the overt and covert harms facing them today.

We very much appreciate you liking and sharing our posts. If you feel that you can help us even further, we have a plethora of Mama Bears cards that are extremely easy to share as you are having conversations with family, friends, and even complete strangers. It’s quite easy when you are out grocery shopping, or at events, to approach anyone you see with a child, simply walk up to them, saying something along the lines of, "Hey, I see you have a child, here is a website that has a lot of valuable information for parents if you are interested in taking a look.", which will direct them to our website and the valuable information it holds for parents. This way, parents who may never hear of us otherwise, who have not been exposed to the freedom movement, can be reached with life-saving information.


Parents are often very pleasant and grateful to receive information, and this is a great way to expand the reach of the truth as far as we can. 

If you can help with cards, or if you know of any business that could simply put them on display, please let us know at and we will mail some out to you. 



To Parents in the Ontario Region

For those in Ontario, are you aware of the Ontario School Climate Survey?

Recently, a mother in Ontario reported that her 12 year old son came home from school to inform her that he had been told he had to participate in a survey with questions that included his preferred pronouns and sexuality. 

These surveys come from the Ministry of Education. School boards must administer school climate surveys to their students, parents, and school staff at least once every two years. Boards must also inform parents that these surveys are voluntary, and that they can choose not to have their child participate.

We remind parents to be diligent in monitoring what their children are being exposed to at school. Ensure that your child knows they are not to complete any surveys at school, they are to bring it home. And should they feel something is not quite right, that it is okay to question authority in a respectful manner - and that you will always have their back in any and all situations that arise.

For assistance on key questions to ask your child, and a guide to having an effective meeting with your child’s teacher, please use this helpful guide below, found on our website:

To view tips on key questions to ask your child about daily activities at school, please visit:



The Attack on our Children Continues in Manitoba

We apologize for the extremely disturbing images. But this is what is being given to teenagers taking sexual education in a Manitoba high-school.

A mother in Manitoba, Canada, has revealed that teenage students at her son’s school were being provided with wooden phalluses, condoms, and a cartoon flip book featuring gay sex art as part of their “sex education.”

On February 19, Janine Stephanie Penner took to Facebook to express outrage that her teenage son had been provided a number of inappropriate “sex education” aides. In the post, Penner claimed that her son, who is currently in grade 10, had been provided with wooden phalluses, condoms, and a cartoon flip book featuring gay sex art as part of their “sex education.”

This is outrageous, and has gone far past the point of appropriateness. 

To read the full report and share, please click here:



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And remember, It's Okay To Wait 💕
