Awesome New Resources Added

Sep 25, 2023 3:56 am


Hello Mama and Papa bears,


We recently announced the release of our newly updated website, with a plethora of information for parents on various issues. If you have not had a chance to check it out, we encourage you to do so! We have added so many resources for parents that we are so very proud to be able to provide during this time. 


With this newly updated website comes so much information surrounding both alternative and public schooling. Our Schooling tab is the most recent addition, having been added over the past few days. 


With children being back in school and things seemingly getting crazier by the week, we believe our resources hold so much of what parents need right now as they keep fighting for their children and protecting their innocence. 


Printable information found on our website regarding public schooling includes "A Guide To a Productive Meeting With Your Child’s Teacher – Know What Your Child Will be Taught”, A Guide To Challenge School Boards, and a Guide To Being an Effective Delegate., as well as printable parental notifications to give to schools regarding both gender ideologies and medical treatments and bodily autonomy. These printable forms will help so many busy parents hold true to what they know that their children need and offer them the support and guidance they need to stay strong in it.  If you missed our Tips To Know What’s Going On In Your Childs School post on social media, here it is:


In addition to the provided information on Public Schooling, our Alternative Education tab will give you information on learning pods, for those who would like to host a Learning Pod,  and teachers interested in teaching a Pod. Excitingly, we also have information on setting up a Yurt Forest School for those interested in nature school; taking learning beyond the traditional "classroom" and getting their kids back to the beauty and knowledge that wholesome nature provides us. 


On this tab you can also find a wonderful podcast by Tasha Fisherman on unschooling! For those of you who have not had the pleasure of absorbing the knowledge that Tasha provides on this subject, we encourage you to find the podcast on the Alternative Education tab and give it a listen. We also have a link to check out the Canadian Centre for Learning which provides many amazing courses and events. 


As always, thank you so much for your ongoing support. It is a privilege to continue supporting parents, especially as we head into this fall and deeper into this school year. We look forward to continuing the fight with you all in the protection of our children. 


Stay strong. 

Until Next Time

Mama Bears Project





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