Mama Bears Monthly Newsletter- February 8th, 2025

Feb 08, 2025 10:46 am


Hello Mama and Papa Bears,

We have made it to February! Amidst all of the bedlam we find ourselves in, we are thrilled to be able to offer some incredibly helpful resources to our community members.

Whether it be support with trans-identified children, with a "Gender Dysphoria Support Tool," guidance on how to set your child up for emotional success later in life, or information on Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to help support you and your family in their health journey, we hope you find benefit (or know someone who would) in these fantastic resources...



A New Resource for Families with Trans-Identified Children: The Gender Dysphoria Support Tool

Genspect recently released a new resource to assist parents of trans-identified children.

In the press release, Genspect explains,

We consistently receive messages from parents whose voices have been ignored during their child’s gender clinic assessments. Despite being invited to participate in the diagnostic process, their crucial insights are routinely dismissed in favor of immediate affirmation. To help families advocate for thorough, evidence-based care, we have developed two complementary tools based on DSM-5-TR criteria.”

At this link, they offer the Family and Friend Survey, as well as the Parental Survey. These resources offer ample space to identify a wider scope in justifying further examination into the discrepancies within a complex case with a loved one facing these personal challenges.  

We urge you to read through this resource if you know anyone close to you facing a challenge such as this, know of another family dealing with it, or simply to have as a resource in case you find yourself in conversation with anyone who is.

Find the link to Genspects feature below at:



Emotional Regulation – Setting Your Child Up for a Happy & Healthy Adulthood

How do we teach our children to handle sadness and hurt? Is it by dismissing those feelings and trying to make them feel happy? Dr. Becky Kennedy says it’s not a parent’s job is not to make our kids happy!

When we focus on making our kids happy, we actually start to make them fearful and less tolerant of all the other emotions that will inevitably be part of their life.

We need to help children reach resilience over “happiness.” Teaching them to tolerate and sit with all of their emotions and work through them will go exponentially further than simply teaching them to settle on being happy.

Conversely, learning to be with all of their emotions will actually help them to reach real happiness, sooner. Guiding them in emotional regulation will support them in being happier, healthier kids and eventually, happy, healthy and content adults.

Watch Dr. Becky Kennedy's video by clicking the following link:

You can learn more from Dr. Becky on youtube, by searching “Dr. Becky Kennedy School of Greatness.”



Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO): Its Transformative and Healing Properties 

A Midwestern Doctor published a very thought provoking article discussing DMSO, highlighting its diverse abilities in healing many disorders and conditions that are difficult to treat, including autoimmune disorders. 

They begin by explaining how DMSO is a naturally occurring substance which has a myriad of uses in combating things such as “pain, injuries, wounds, autoimmune conditions, cancer and internal organ diseases.” 

With its incredibly varied abilities, DMSO shows promise as a natural aid in helping people of all ages who are battling troubling conditions where treatments are complicated and cumbersome. 

Other conditions which DMSO can help relieve are bacterial and viral infections, as well as fungal and parasitic infections. 

Using DMSO alongside these complex conditions’ treatments can help in amplifying management - which makes it something absolutely worth researching!

We encourage you to read the full article below at:



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MamaBears Project is a non-profit organization staffed by volunteers dedicated to supporting families and parents by providing detailed information and resources in support of the physical and mental health and well-being of children at all ages.

Your donation and support will be used for basic operating costs, allowing us to provide continually updated information, links, programs and resources on all of the current issues affecting children at all ages through our website, newsletters, printed materials and social media platforms.


And remember, It's Okay To Wait 💕

