Exciting News!!!
Sep 10, 2023 11:44 am
Hello Mama and Pappa Bears
Well, it has been exciting times for Mama Bears… we are growing!!!! In December of 2020, we started out as a small group striving to provide parents with life-saving facts and information so that they could make truly informed decisions for their children in regard to the COVID shot.
We are proud to say that it did not take long before we received several emails from parents thanking us for the information on our site, and that with this provided evidence, they were able to convince their spouse that “It Was Okay To Wait”. We always said that if we could save just one child, the time and effort would all be well worth it.
The statistics reveal that most people are no longer taking the experimental injection, especially children. However, that does not mean that our mission is complete. Our children continue to be under attack and need our help and protection now more than ever before. We will continue to provide vital information regarding Covid, but our focus will be on all things child-related. So stay tuned for more diverse knowledge and advice as we continue on.
New and Truly Improved Website
We are beyond ecstatic to have updated our website! We have a wonderful interview with Ted Kuntz that is on our newly updated site, titled Life After Vaccine Injury, and When Trust Betrays Us. This is a must see for all. Originally, our thought was that we would need to help parents specifically who have given their children the experimental injection, as the guilt and anger they are going to feel may be overwhelming. The interview turned into such a powerful tool for not only parents, but anyone that has ever dealt with anger or guilt in their lives due to challenging and/or helpless circumstances. We recommend listening in on this unique interview that has a little something for everyone in the conversation.
Mama Bears Continues to be a Resource Center for Families
As stated, we will absolutely continue to be a resource centre for anything child related, as this is a huge drive in our organization as we grow and as more issues evolve and arise amidst the current confusing times. To start, we have information on topics such as Gender Dysphoria, Regular Vaccines, Internet Safety, Silenced Experts and Masking. There are links on our website directing visitors to numerous other websites that will help parents navigate through raising a child during these times. We will be adding more topics to this in the near future and will continue to do so in the coming months.
Follow Us and Raise Awareness!
Make sure to follow us on social media, including, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Truth Social, Gettr and Telegram. Our memes we have been sharing have been well received to date, and are intended to provoke thought, and counteract the incessant confusing chatter of mainstream media. The more our posts are shared, the more people will learn about us. This allows us to spread awareness and is a vital part of getting this information out there to more parents. Our Did You Know? series is jam-packed full of factual information. Our main intention through this is to help parents start to ask questions, as opposed to simply just going with the flow. So we need your help to let parents know about our site!
Watch your Inbox!
This is our first newsletter in a long while, but that is going to change. Depending on what is currently needing to be addressed (which as you know can change by the week), Mama Bears Newsletters will be released at least once a month from now on. So, please stay tuned and keep the watch for Mama Bears emails.
As always, thank you immensely for all the support. Without it, we would not have been able to reach as many parents as we have. We truly appreciate the facilitation in the protection of children during these extremely challenging times. We are stronger together!
Until next time,
Mama Bears
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mamabearsprojectxx
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mamabearsproject/
Twitter https://twitter.com/itsokaytowait
Telegram https://t.me/mamabearscanada
Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@MamaBearsProject
Gettr https://gettr.com/user/mamabearsproject
Website https://mamabearsproject.com