Mama Bears Monthly Newsletter
May 06, 2024 7:00 am
Hello Mama and Papa Bears,
We hope that you are all enjoying some pleasant spring weather, depending on where you may be located! Nonetheless, spring is a welcomed relief, as we head closer into the summer season.
Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?
For those who have not viewed it quite yet, we shared this wonderful video on social media a couple of months ago which discusses vaccine effectiveness. You can find the original video on our website, but we wanted to share this 2024 update with you.
The first 15 minutes you will see the original video, and the last 8 minutes catalogs important control group information to answer the questions with backed up science, while discussing a legal solution being introduced in the 2024 Congress.
This video is an excellent source to send to any parent that is considering vaccinating their child. Don’t forget to share the information on our website with any parent that is questioning vaccines - you could save a life!
Our Natural Health Products Continue to be Under Attack
We ask that you please take a few moments to sign the petition against this dire threat below by visiting the Natural Health Product Protection Association's website. They have also provided a template that you can use to let your MP know your opposition to this bill, found here:
Key issues involved in this threat against our right to natural health care products include the following:
-Health Canada is implementing stricter regulations that will significantly impact consumer choice and restrict access to health products and supplements.
-They are introducing new fees on natural health products, which will place a considerable financial strain on NHP businesses. This will lead to significant price hikes for consumers or even force many small to medium-sized companies out of business.
-Increased Health Canada
censorship will prevent truthful advertising by both manufacturers and natural health stores.
-Huge new fines will cripple and destroy the natural health community. Prior to June 22, 2023, the maximum fine you faced for violating the laws on NHPs (such as selling a product with improper labeling) was $5,000. Now it is $5,000,000 a day.
Please help us make our voices heard as we stand against this extremely detrimental threat.
Children's Health Defense: A Parents' Guide To Healthy Children
Children’s Health Defense has published a wonderful parents guide to raising a healthy child. In A Parents’ Guide to Healthy Children: From Preconception To Early Childhood, as stated on their website, you will find:
“A free complete guide in defense of children’s health and parents’ and guardians’ freedom to make health and wellness decisions for their children. Empowered and loving adults provide the foundation for children’s healthy habits. Parents have the innate ability to respond to their children in ways that promote health and vitality.”
You can access this guide for free by clicking the link we have provided below. CHD is asking for a donation of a $10.00, but if you are unable to make the donation, please don’t let that stop you from accessing the source of information!
Join us for The National Parents Rights Virutal Summit!
PRCOC have organized a live summit we would like to share with you, called The National Parents Rights Virtual Summit, which will discuss "woke activism" in the curriculum and classroom. This event will be held via Zoom, on Saturday, May 25th, at 12:00 PM to 4:30 PM EST.
The speakers, panelists, and topics for the summit are as followed:
Mia Hughes
The WPATH Files
Pascal Bourgeois
Marxism in Education
Stephen Reich
Resisting the Drive toward Identity Politics in Schools
Gwen O’Mahony
Political Intervention for Sex-Based Rights
Chanel Pfahl
Curriculum to Classroom- How does woke activism slip in?
Nadine Ness
Engaging Parents at a Grassroots Level
Grassroots Warriors Panel
Successful Parent Pushback and Engagement
They have also provided a youtube video found on their website which summarizes the concerns, found here:
☝️Don't forget to follow us on social media to stay up to date on valuable and life-saving information!
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And remember, It's Okay To Wait 💕