Mama Bears Newsletter July 2024

Jul 28, 2024 3:16 am


 Good morning Mama and Papa Bears,

We hope you all are having a wonderful summer season with your families! We have some priority news we would like to share with you all this month that we feel is quite pressing, including crucial school news, information on EMF, important updates on COVID mRNA injections and pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as an exciting opportunity to attend Krisiten Nagle’s Reclaiming Birth Conference.


Are you Aware of What Guest Speakers Your Children are Exposed to at School? 

Ontario’s new school policy requires schools to provide 14 days’ notice of any guest speakers who are to be speaking to students at their child's school. This includes their names, organizations they are affiliated with, and the planned topic and resources to be covered during their presentation. 

Parents, we encourage you to do your due diligence and follow up with the school on any notice of a guest speaker. After the highly concerning debacle of Planned Parenthood in a Saskatchewan school last year, it is imperative that you be involved in what your child is being exposed to at school when you are not present.

Please do not blindly trust that your child will be taught something that is alignment with your values. If you don’t think what is to be presented is acceptable, let the school principal know, and organize other parents to do the same. Stand strong, be vigilant, and protect your children’s innocence at all costs! 

Please visit our website at for Tips on Questions to Ask Your Child on a Daily Basis, and A Guide to an Effective Meeting With Your Child’s Teacher. 

To access the new guide, click here


Attend a FREE Masterclass on EMF Protection Led by Highly Educated Professionals 

As more people become aware of the dangers of EMF, we thought you might find this course of interest. 

This absolutely free Masterclass is being held on August 1st to the 4th, and led by 18 of the most knowledgeable scientists, researchers, doctors, and health experts on the subject of EMF, its complex dangers, and specific strategies anybody can follow to protect themselves and their family from the increasing long-term dangers of EMF radiation. Not only from immediate threats, but to ensure yours and your family's long-term health and wellness as technology ramps up at an increasing rate. 

To register and to read more about the Masterclass, including what will be addressed and the experts who will be speaking, please click on the link below:



Did Health Canada Lie to Pregnant and Nursing Moms ?

Health Canada continuously told pregnant mom’s that not only was the Covid shot safe and effective, but encouraged them to take it. Yet in October of 2020, Pfizer informed Health Canada that “long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known, and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.”

You must see the evidence for yourself to understand the deception that has been perpetrated on pregnant moms. How many babies have been affected?

For more information for Pregnant and Nursing mom’s, please visit



Reclaiming Birth Conference

Where Empowerment Meets Tradition: Transforming the Art of Childbirth Together

On September 20th & 21st, Kristen Nagle of Canadian Frontline Nurses and co-founder Christine will be hosting the Reclaiming Birth Conference in London Ontario. This conference is an annual event which presents experts on natural birth and aims to restore the empowering and beautiful experience that Childbirth should be, which flows into raising those babies as empowered Mothers. 


Modern medicine has stolen this power and made Childbirth into a stale, often traumatizing event which can leave women feeling like fish out of water - with little to no guidance or support. The Reclaiming Birth Conference hopes to restore this birthright of women. 

Along with the opportunity to immerse yourself in this event in-person, there is an option to purchase a ticket to attend the conference virtually. 

To find out more about the Reclaiming Birth Conference, the expert speakers of the event, and the founders' vision in beginning this journey of empowering women, please visit the following link:

When purchasing a ticket to this wonderful event, Mama Bears has been given an affiliate code. Upon registration, when using the code TERRI20, you will be helping to also support the Mama Bears Project. 


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And remember, It's Okay To Wait 💕

