V.I.P. Link for Existing Bootcamp Members & Past Royle Hypnosis Delegates
Jun 30, 2023 3:53 pm
V.I.P. Link for Existing Bootcamp Members & Past Royle Hypnosis Delegates
So I've had several people saying they don't have a paypal account
asking if they can pay for their access to the Pricknosis Mind Jab
Solution course ticket and recordings using a debit or credit card
So I've set up the above link for
1) Existing Elite Hypnosis Bootcamp Members
2) Those who have attended Live in Person or Live Via Zoom
any of my Past Training events
You can use it to secure your place to attend the 9th July Zoom
course or just to secure access to the recordings at low cost of £37
UK Sterling which is roughly $47 US.
Jonathan Royle