Law of Attraction & Hypnotherapy NLP Hypnosis Secrets Combined

Nov 08, 2023 3:42 pm

Law of Attraction & Hypnotherapy NLP Hypnosis Secrets Combined

Today only get 90 Percent off usual price

In his usual no nonsense, zero bullshit, tell it exactly how it really is manner, Royle Reveals how The Law of Attraction directly inter-relates to the APET model of Human Givens Psychotherapy, The ABC Model of Psychology & Counselling and indeed to numerous other Proven Models of Psychological Treatment & Talking Therapies including, but not limited to CBT, NLP and Conventional Hypnotherapy, Self-Hypnosis and so called “Mindfulness” amongst many others.

As he clearly examines the true building blocks to success in all of these areas, your eyes (and mind) will be opened to the amazing truth that there are several keys that tie all of these approaches, models, ideas and proven techniques together in such a way as to make them all work massively more powerfully and positively in all that you desire to use them for in your own life and also of course in the life of your clients, friends, family and loved ones.

But Royle does not stop there, as well as giving you powerful insights to help you make all of your Goals, Dreams, Ambitions and innermost Desires become a Positive Reality in your and/or your clients lifes, he also continues one step further and reveals how all of this has been interweaved

into his unique one session treatment approach of “Complete Mind Therapy”

Yes that's right, Royle has been using the combined principles of “The Law of Attraction” together with Karma and Manifestation within each and everyone of the therapy sessions he has conducted over the past 25+ years, and now for the very first time on video he explains exactly how and why he has been doing this and does so in a manner that will make it incredibly easy for you to instantly be doing the same with your clients.

As a further bonus and benefit, along the way as you study the almost 12 hours of video training, Royle will also teach you numerous Suggestibility Tests and Rapid Hypnotic Inductions Galore, whilst also blowing the lid off the Worlds of NLP, Hypnotherapy, Stage Hypnosis, Street Hypnotism and numerous other so called Psychological Therapies and Positive Mind Control Techniques.

If you have never studied any of Royle's training videos or packages before then this is without a doubt the best way to get started, and for those who are fans of Royles often Shocking & Controversial Training Manner, you will not be dissapointed as this is arguably the most educational, eye opening and thought provoking video package that he has released to date.

Discover more and grab yours now here


