Magical Mind Therapy Secrets for Hypnotherapy with Children & Adults
May 09, 2023 3:27 pm
Magical Mind Therapy Secrets for Hypnotherapy with Children & Adults
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In this Amazing Video Set Royle demonstrates and teaches you his techniques of "Magical Therapy" whereby you’ll learn how to use simple magic tricks to create instant lasting change in your clients.
These simple tricks are taught in a simple step by step manner along with how to treat both Adults and Children effectively to cure most any problem in a single session lasting anything form a few seconds to minutes, but certainly much faster than just about any other treatment technique you may ever have encountered including conventional NLP!
Royle will then teach you the true effective usage of Ideo Motor response in therapy and then demonstrates and teaches his own treatment method of "Pendulum Power Therapy"
Royle even teaches you how to use a notepad and a permanent marker pen to help you treat even the most deep rooted Psychological and emotional problems in a far more efficient and effective manner.
As an experienced Television, Radio and Media Hypnotist, Royle then explains in a simple step by step manner how to earn a fortune as a Media and Celebrity therapist, including Secrets of how to deal with Journalists which alone are worth many times the cost of this entire course!
And when you find out the true secrets of how people like Royle and other TV Therapists get INSTANT RESULTS on Live Television and Radio Shows it will truly blow your mind and change the way you think about Hypnosis, NLP and suchlike forever!
One of the highlights is seeing Royle demonstrate his use of Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) on an audience member to Cure their Fear of Flying with ease and what Royle has to teach about Rapid Phobia Removal is also worth many times the cost of this entire set.
The Content of this TEN video set is pure dynamite and entirely different in content from any of the other products advertised on this site.
During the ten volume DVD set, Royle teaches his own slant on Geoffrey Ronnings Famous EKG induction, you’ll learn how Royle has taken the basic idea and streamlined it even more to make it even faster and more effective for use both as a Stage Hypnotist and as a Hypnotherapist doing profitable group treatment session.
Plus tons more including you will learn Tons of Derren Browns Secrets of
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