Back to My First Love: A glimpse of chapter 5

Jul 18, 2023 5:00 pm

 Back to My First Love: A glimpse of chapter 5

So now what do I do? I thought, with divorce papers in my hands. I had to start over again at fifty-one.

I was the one who had welcomed my children back to my home when they

needed to get back on their feet, and now

“to my utter disappointment, I was the displaced one who needed help”

I didn’t even know where to begin, or even how to put my life back together. It took everything in me just to get up every morning and get ready for my day.

Slowly, the fog in my mind started to lift. Once the divorce was final, my hope turned into anger. I was angrier with myself that I was in this place again, but this time I was older, and it was much harder to bounce back! My heart just could not accept what my mind and spirit were trying to tell


Normally I would already be in another relationship by now.

But this time, I had no desire to be in another relationship. For the first time in my adult life, I didn’t want what I thought I could not live without: namely, a man.

It seemed like, once I realized the truth about where I was with God, and that I never once stopped to heal between my marriages, the healing process finally began.

I had no idea, when I told the Holy Spirit to take my tears and translate them into words, that His plan was to save me from myself and not my marriage.

In this chapter we see how facing myself and the truth was the path to healing and back to my first true love: God

What are you facing in your life? What needs to be healed?

 Let’s talk
